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** Tragic hero = will most effectively evoke both our pity and our terror if he is neither thoroughly good nor thoroughly evil but a mixture of both. The imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself, in the medium of poetic language, and in the manner of dramatic rather than narrative presentation, incorporating incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish the catharsis of such emotions. = is broadly applied to literary, and especially to dramatic, representations of serious and important actions which turn out disastrously for the chief (main) character. The example: “The Importance of Being Earnest” written by George Bernard Shaw. To do so it commonly employs highly exaggerated character types, puts them into improbable situation, and makes free use of broad verbal humor.Ĭomedy of Manner = a drama refers to the performance of high-context ideas, actions, and only educated (well-read) people may catch the senses of humor. Satiric Comedy = attacks the disorders of society by making ridiculous the violators of its standards of morals or manners.įarce = a type of comedy designed to provoke the laughter to simple, hearty laughter. Romantic Comedy = as developed by Shakespeare and some of his Elizabethan contemporaries, is concerned with a love affair that involves a beautiful and idealized heroine the course of this love does not run smooth, but overcomes all difficulties to end in happy union. The action turns out happily for the chief characters = is a work in which the materials are selected and managed primarily in order to interest and amuse us the characters and discomfitures engage our delighted attention rather than our profound concern, we feel confident that no great disaster will occur, and usually the action turns out happily for the chief (main) characters. PANTOMIME is acting without speech, using only posture, gesture, bodily movement, and exaggerated facial expression to express humans feelings. In POETIC DRAMA, the dialogue is written in verse which in English is usually blank verse almost all the heroic drama.Ī CLOSET DRAMA is written in the form of a drama, but is intended to be read rather than to be performed in the theater. Drama = is the literary form designed for the theatre, where actors take the roles of the characters, perform the indicated action, and utter the written dialogue.

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